About Us

Hey everyone! My name is Rose. I’m glad you’ve made it here! I first started my business, Sew Spoolish, as a way to find a little “me time”, and it has grown from there! I’m now starting to add a blog. I’m hoping to chronicle the events of our family, and share some of the fun projects I get to work on for my business, so thanks for reading!

I was an engineer in my past life. It’s amazing how I still see it come out in my everyday life though. The more you read this blog, the more you will see it too! I love watching how my creations come together from a few pieces of fabric and interfacing, with only a sewing machine, glue and a “blueprint”. I am also very much of a list person. I love to make a list and cross things off. I feel like they keep me somewhat sane in my crazy chaotic life, helping me know where to go next! I’ll introduce you to me and my family with a list of 10 things you (probably) don’t know about us:

1. I met my husband, Ed, at work.
He is also an engineer. Even though we had similar jobs, we are very different from each other. I also had a very strict policy of no workplace dating. My husband always says I really made him work for it. We started dating after I moved to a different company, and the rest, as they say, is history! My husband is an amazing man, and he has been very supportive of me throughout this whole crazy journey to owning my own business.

2010…we were babies!!

2. Our lives are made up entirely of chaos.
No really! I mean it! We have 4 small children that are all about 18 months apart. Our “thought” process was just get it all out of the way right away. I say “thought” loosely, because that would imply there was some actual forethought to the choice of having 4 children so close in age. I love my children to pieces, and I am eternally grateful for each and every one! Each one is completely different and brings a new level of chaos to our family. Our oldest is Brooklynne. She is 8. She is such a sweet girl, and she loves to take care of her siblings. She wants to be a waitress when she grows up. Scarlett is 6. She loves to “mother” everything. Every toy is a momma and a baby pair. She wants to be a mom, a doctor, a rock star and a grandma when she grows up. Marjorie is 4. She is sass in a human body. She has the cutest way of putting her hands on her hips and smirking at you when she’s doing something she’s not supposed to. She wants to be Rapunzel when she grows up.

Scarlett, Marjorie and Brooklynne at Dance 2019

Jameson is our youngest at 2 years old. He is pure chaos. I was not prepared for the differences between girls and boys. He is in to so much more than the girls ever were. I have a feeling he will be the one we have all the emergency room visits for!

Jameson giving his baby a tractor ride 2019

Between Ed’s job, my business, the kiddos school and after school activities, our lives are total chaos. Some days I can say it is organized chaos, but not always! We do the best we can!

3. I never imagined I would be a stay at home mom.
I went to Milwaukee School of Engineering and graduated with an Architectural Engineering degree…but I’ve barely used it. My first job after college was in a similar field, but not actually in engineering. I had a job at an engineering firm after that, but once we had Brooklynne, we decided I would stay home with the kids. This is the hardest job I’ve ever had. I had no idea how both challenging and rewarding it would be.

Typical Day as a Stay at Home Mom

4. We’ve moved into our “forever” home.
7 years ago we moved into this beautiful old farmhouse on a 6 acre plot of land. Both of us fell in love with it right away. It has a ton of character, and it will be a great place for our kids to grow up. It also needs some work. As we fix things up, I’m sure there will be plenty to write about!

5. I’ve been suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety since my youngest was born.
I didn’t have this with the first 3, so this has been a completely new experience for me. My therapist and I are working on a combination of medication changes and mindfulness techniques in the hopes of getting it under control. There are good days and bad days, but I do the best I can and take each day as it comes. I am very thankful for my husband and my mother for supporting me through this and helping when I really need it.

6. I’m not sure what my natural hair color is anymore.
When I was a kid, my hair was very bleach blonde. It darkened some over the years, to an ash blonde in high school. Since then, I’ve had hair ranging in color from black to brown to red to bleach blonde again. My hair seemed to change with my mood in college! Right now we have settled on a nice rose gold color. Who knows how long that will last!

7. Creating is my true love.
Sorry Ed, but when I sit down at my sewing machine and feel the fabric moving through my fingers, I’m in heaven. I love to see how I can take a single yard of fabric, some glue and my sewing machine and push and pull it into a fully constructed purse. Each purse I make is completely different. I feel like each one of my styles has its own personality.

One of my all time favorite creations!

8. I have a few quirks.
I eat skittles in order of the colors of the rainbow (ROY G. BIV), I will only cook chicken nuggets in increments of 5, and I prefer talking on the phone to texting. But I love technology, so I always want the latest phone or iPad or whatever is coming out next! I love to binge watch shows on Netflix (I’m currently watching Designated Survivor with my husband, and When Calls the Heart on nights when he works late) now that we have good internet. I’m easily distracted. I tend to move from one thing to another super fast because…oooh! Shiny!

9. Speaking of subject changes…I’m just about to start a massive purge of our home. Right now I’m in a total purge mode, and I just can’t stand “stuff”. I’m working on getting rid of our clutter. My goal is to go room by room and just minimize.

10. My business is really just starting.
I’ve been sewing for several years now, and before that I sold crocheted and knit hats. But I’m really just now starting to focus on it as more of a business and less of a hobby. Watch for some amazing changes to come in the next couple months!

Ok, now you’ve that learned more about me and my family than you really wanted to know, what’s next? Well, I’ll be starting slow with this blog, maybe a post a week to start. Stick around and hopefully this crazy journey I’ve started will get going!

Thanks for stopping at my website! I would love to connect with you! Stop by my facebook page, instagram, Twitter or Pinterest and feel free to say Hi!

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